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Girls X Battle

4 reviews
17.6 k downloads

Hundreds of battles for you in this RPG

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If auto-battlers and anime are your style, try Girls X Battle now.

Girls X Battle is a fun and light game for Android devices where you play as a simple teenager. As the protagonist of the story, of course, you have a tragic past and a goal— in this case, to win battles with powerful gals. Girls X Battle sometimes laughs at the clichés of this genre of games in its narrative, but it does not neglect its gameplay. The female characters that will help you succeed have attractive and detailed designs and eye-catching abilities.

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The girls you recruit will have their own roles on the battlefield. There are those that have ranged attacks, those that have healing abilities, and those that can fight in close combat. Knowing how to combine and improve them is the key to Girls X Battle. As you can look up their stats and what they do, as well as their overall power, it's easy to determine which characters are optimal for combat, but as Girls X Battle is not a particularly difficult game, you'll always have room to build your team with your favorite characters.

Girls X Battle provides hours of fun and gameplay that you can switch between automatic and manual. If you want to actively participate in battle, enabling skills and deciding who to attack is up to you. This can be challenging, as there are attacks that you can defend against, but you will need to be vigilant in the game. So, if you like anime styling and this kind of gameplay, you must play Girls X Battle. Download the APK here.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 4.1, 4.1.1 or higher required

Frequent questions

When was Girls X Battle released?

Girls X Battle was released in 2016. The second game in the franchise, Girls X Battle 2, came out in 2018. Both games were a huge success. Despite coming out in 2016, the first Girls X Battle is still a lot of fun to play.

Is Girls X Battle a gacha game?

Yes, Girls X Battle is a gacha game where you collect female characters who fight for you. It also has optional micropayments, although it's possible to beat the game without spending any money.

Information about Girls X Battle 1.579.0

Package Name com.carolgames.gxb
License Free
Op. System Android
Category RPG
Language English
73 more
Author Carolgames
Downloads 17,567
Date Feb 15, 2022
Content Rating +12
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 1.513.0 Android + 4.1, 4.1.1 Oct 24, 2020
apk 1.207.0 Android + 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.3.2 Sep 10, 2020
apk 1.192.0 Android + 10.9 Mavericks Apr 15, 2019
apk 1.178.0 Android + 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.3.2 Oct 12, 2020
apk 1.97.0 Android + 10.9 Mavericks Dec 24, 2018
apk 1.94.0 Android + 10.9 Mavericks Feb 9, 2018

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4 reviews


beautifulorangebamboo1705 icon
2 weeks ago

I want this app back

younggoldenwolf64727 icon
in 2023

I couldn't test it, it requires internet and it doesn't connect to the server, maybe it's a country problem


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